My daughter and I left Daddy to fend for himself while we took a trip back to California for a few weeks to visit our very-much-missed family and friends. We had a wonderful time, for Napa to Fresno, but we sure did miss Daddy while we were gone. Now that he's done with training, he's received official leave dates so we can make a trip back to California TOGETHER... that is, if we can raise/save enough money by then to do so.... therefore, if you wish to assist in our efforts to come "back home" to visit, I've added a "DONATE" via PayPal button on the right-hand sidebar, if you would be so kind as to contribute :)
The constant change is one of the mixed-blessings of a military lifestyle. While we love taking on new ventures together, we miss that "comfort of constant" of being around the familiar.
Here's what Daddy missed out on... :(
Wineries all done up for October...
And a new-old castle!
Mmmm, Chocolate Heaven
The beach (we're total West Coast over East Coast)
Famous sites....
On daughter getting to do one of most favorite activites
Time with family too!
Time at the park
Teaching Cadence to climb trees...
And, of course, carving pumpkins with family!
Again, we're dying to see everyone again already! If you can assist in any way, we'd greatly appreciate all the help we can get! We have to raise approx $1600 just for the plane tickets alone!